Easily manage your team, projects, and clients.

by implementing Notion Business OS template for your business.

Шаблоны в Notion
Notion, ноушн, ноушен

Notion Business OS is perfect for:

Freelancers and Experts

Gather information about all your clients and tasks in one place, so you don’t have to jump between chats and various services like Google Drive, Trello, and Asana.
Фрилансерам и экспертам


Efficiently manage a large number of projects in one space and keep track of client payments.
Малому и среднему бизнесу

Small and Medium Businesses

Create a unified system for managing business processes, tasks, and your team, which can easily be scaled.

Here are the results clients achieve after implementing Notion Business OS:

With Notion Business OS, you will be able to:

Manage tasks effortlessly

Easily assign and track tasks for your employees, monitor deadlines, and manage your team's workload for the week. Now all tasks will be in one place 🔥

Удобная фильтрация по исполнителям и проектам
Convenient filtering by assignees and projects
Clear statistics on team workload
Reminders for overdue tasks and tasks without deadlines
Понятная статистика по загрузке команды
Подсказки по просроченным задачам и задачам без дедлайна
Как управлять задачами команды

Track project status

Create a unified project database, break projects down into tasks, monitor payments, and track project progress.

Все материалы, заметки и задачи по проекту в одном месте
All project materials, notes, and tasks in one place
Timeline of all team projects with deadlines and assigned team members
Quick check-in on the status and tasks of all projects
Таймлайн всех проектов команды со сроками и командой
Подсказки по просроченным задачам и задачам без дедлайна
Отслеживать статус по проектам

Manage clients and track payments

Your personal CRM system with a sales funnel, document management, and payment tracking system.

База активных клиентов с привязкой к проектам
Active client database linked to projects
All contracts and invoices stored in the client's profile
Invoicing for projects and deadline tracking
Все договора и счета хранятся в карточке клиента
Выставление счетов по проектам и отслеживание сроков
Вести клиентов, отслеживать оплаты

Manage finances

A personal finance application where you control income and expenses, track cash flow, record transactions in income and expense tables, and view account balances.

Учет зарплаты сотрудников и платежи подрядчикам
Employee salary tracking and contractor payments
Recording all transactions in a unified database
Monitoring payment execution and account balances
Запись всех транзакций в единую базу
Контроль исполнения оплат и остатков на счетах
Как управлять финансами

Why Notion Business OS?

Easy navigation within the template

30+ ready-made templates for your work

Удобная навигация внутри шаблона
30+ готовых шаблонов для работы

Easy setup and adaptation

Легкая настройка и адаптация системы

Works seamlessly on all devices

Light & dark mode

Адаптация на все устройства

Video and text instructions

Адаптированный светлый & темный режим
Понятные видео- и текстовые инструкции

Free access to Notion for up to 10 team members

Доступ в Notion до 10 сотрудников бесплатно

One-time purchase with no additional fees

Разовая покупка без доплат и подписок

Choose the right plan

to easily manage your projects, clients, and team


✔️ Employee Hiring Process
✔️ Task Tracker
✔️ Client Database Management
✔️ Meeting Planning and Execution
✔️ Project Management
✔️ Document Flow
✔️ Income and Expense Tracking
✔️ Knowledge Base
✔️ Employee Records
✔️ Employee Portals

Lifetime access to the template
Video tutorials and instructions
Includes all lifetime updates
Section for working with contractors
Chat support for one week
60-minute consultation on implementing the Notion Business OS in your team, answers to Notion questions
Customizations for your business within 4 hours over the course of a month

VIP Support

✔️ Employee Hiring Process
✔️ Task Tracker
✔️ Client Database Management
✔️ Meeting Planning and Execution
✔️ Project Management
✔️ Document Flow
✔️ Income and Expense Tracking
✔️ Knowledge Base
✔️ Employee Records
✔️ Employee Portals

Lifetime access to the template
Video tutorials and instructions
Includes all lifetime updates
Section for working with contractors
Chat support for one week
60-minute consultation on implementing the Notion Business OS in your team, answers to Notion questions
Customizations for your business within 4 hours over the course of a month


✔️ Employee Hiring Process
✔️ Task Tracker
✔️ Client Database Management
✔️ Meeting Planning and Execution
✔️ Project Management
✔️ Document Flow
✔️ Income and Expense Tracking
✔️ Knowledge Base
✔️ Employee Records
✔️ Employee Portals

Lifetime access to the template
Video tutorials and instructions
Includes all lifetime updates
Section for working with contractors
Chat support for one week
60-minute consultation on implementing the Notion Business OS in your team, answers to Notion questions
Customizations for your business within 4 hours over the course of a month

Do you have more questions?

Reach out to our support team, and we'll get back to you shortly

Why should you choose my services?
I have 10 years of experience managing and overseeing projects of various scales in companies like Lamoda, Ozon, and others.

In just 1.5 years, I rose from a manager to a leader, collaborating with a team of over 40 people.

I set and monitored tasks for teams across different specialties (50+ people).

I built processes from scratch for setting and monitoring tasks in Ozon's brand department.

I created a convenient workspace for teams called "Notion Business OS", used by over 100 people.​

I excel at structuring, optimizing, and simplifying business processes within teams.